Amigo - AI

Embrace effortless finance management with Amigo - your AI-powered Expense Manager, guiding you towards smarter spending and saving.

Amigo, Your AI Companion

Your financial buddy, Amigo, offers custom advice and insights, making money management feel like a breeze.

Effortless Statement Sync

Uploading bank statements is seamless, allowing Amigo to sort and analyze your finances for you.

Fluid Interface

Navigate through your finances with ease, thanks to a clean and intuitive design.

Trusted iCloud Security

Rest easy knowing your data is encrypted and stored securely with iCloud, protected by biometric locks.

Insights at a Glance

Visual reports turn complex data into understandable insights, helping you make informed decisions.

Organize Effortlessly

Custom tags and categories mean tracking your transactions has never been easier or more personalized.

Find in a Flash

Powerful search capabilities let you pinpoint transactions instantly by various criteria.

Globally Geared

Amigo speaks your language, supporting various currencies and regional settings for universal use.

Unified Across Devices

Keep your financial life in sync across devices with iCloud, ensuring access wherever you are.

Uncompromised Privacy

Your financial data stays private with advanced security features, accessible only to you.